We are all in the first year of our CPE preparation course. Most of us are university students studying here in Thessaloniki.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hi all this is George!I would like to add some links that you may find interesting.
First of all you should visit www.youtube.com (it is a site that has miliones of videos,funny,entertaining,etc).Also a good way to keep in touch with people when you are using internet is to use MSN Messenger and have it open while you surf through the net(my msn address is gatoskilo_@hotmail.com), which you can find at http://get.live.com/messenger/overview where you can download it from.Oh!Before being able to use it you must register first(it is very easy,but if you have any problems i can always help).
Another good site where you can create your own website for free is http://geocities.yahoo.com/ ,but you must have an e-mail addres at yahoo(you can create one for free at this linkhttps://edit.yahoo.com/config/eval_register?.intl=us&new=1&.done=http%3A//mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym&.v=0&.u=a9a0kep2m44e6&partner=&.partner=&pkg=&stepid=&.p=&promo=&.last=
A couple of friends and me are now preparing our website and when it is done i will link its addres,so that you can see our work!
And if a blogg and a website are not enough for you,you can also create your own forum for free from InvisionFree!First you must register here http://s11.invisionfree.com/in/register.php and then go you can add whatever you want at your forum!!!
Lastly I would like to add some links where you can download programs for downloading songs,movies,pictures,games,other programms etc(for free of course).
The first is a preety good one and it is Mp3Rocket(just go at http://www.mp3rocket.com/downloadcb.htm)
This one is also good,but after a few months of using it,it sudenly crashed on my computer and
I am not able anymore to use it(even that I tried almost everything).It is Limewire and you can download from here http://www.limewire.com/english/content/downloadfree2.shtml
Lastly Shareeza is a good one(you can download it from here http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/shareaza/Shareaza_2.2.3.0.exe?use_mirror=mesh )but the other two have a much bigger collection of songs,movies,etc.
That was all the links i wanted to add in our blog,so that more people will start to use internet more often and for more reasons than just sent an e-mail.
And also check this video from youtube http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2190621943017048900&q=we%27re+all+to+blame (pause it when it starts to play and wait until it is downloaded).
I hope that in about 1 month the website that me and my friends are preparing will be ready and we will try to add a forum to it,so that we will be able to hear the opinion of you! And in 2 or 3 weeks(when i find some free time)i will activate my own website that the unviersity of Thessaloniki gave me,in order to do some projects for a lesson that I have chosen,programming computers!When I activate it i will add a link to it!


Blogger teacher dude said...

Thanks for the links.


7:32 AM


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